Killer Trick To Get Do-follow Backlinks from PR9, PR8, PR7, PR6 Blogs

We all know that to rank high in search engines we need do-+follow backlinks from reputed websites which are having high Google PageRank.
There are lot of website which are having high quality content, powerful On-Page SEO, Community, Social Vitality but still their search results don’t get top positions due to the same backlinks factor.
Google consider do-follow backlinks from well reputed high authority websites as points for any website and rank their search results accordingly.
If you are facing the problem then you should consider making backlinks fromHigh PageRank websites. For this you can do Guest Posting, Provide Resources, Commenting and a lot more things.
But in most case, you will be able to get backlinks from maximum PageRank 6 blogs as for blogs, it is the Highest Achievable PageRank.
If you are able to get some do-follow backlinks from much high PageRank websites like the sites having PageRank 6, 7,8 and PageRank 9 then certainly, you will rule Google search.
Let me make you task of creating backlinks from High PageRank websites a bit easy :D .
Here I am some very High PageRank websites and the techniques by which you can get do-follow backlinks from them.
Have a serious Look !

PR9 Do-Follow Backlinks

1. Mozilla.ORG

Mozilla.ORG  is very high reputed website with a PageRank of 9 which is maximum attainable for any website. Step to get free do-follow backlink :
  • Sign Up for Free Mozilla Account
  • Fill out the details and submit Sign Up form.
  • Click on Verification Link at your email account from Mozilla to activate your account, after submitting form.
  • After activation, login to Mozilla with your credentials and visit your profile page.
  • Put your short bio with your website’s link.
And, it’s done. :-D

2. Adobe.COM

Adobe.COM is yet another PR9 Website to get do-follow backlinks to your blog.
Procedure goes same here.
Create your account at Adobe.COM and verify it. Create good looking profile there and enter enough data.
Now, if you are not able to insert links your at Adobe’s profile, visit Adobe Forum. Here at forum, put an original looking problem or the problem you are actually facing with your blog’s URL.
After some days, Alexa will start showing your Backlink from Adobe which is enough to assure that you got PR9 backlink from Adobe. :)

PR8 Do-Follow backlinks


Ted.COM is a PR8 website with innovative videos, research etc. The website can give you do-follow backlink.
  • Sign Up TED.COM
  • After activating, Click profile -> Edit Profile.
  • Scroll down and you will find place to insert website link with Keyword (Name of Site).
  • Just Add your websites and blogs.
  • You’re done. Now Enjoy free High Authority Backlink.

2. FileZilla-Project.ORG

Sign up to and insert your backlinks in your profile and on other posts.

PR7 Do-Follow Backlinks

 1. Eventful.COM

Eventful.COM is a having social events, celebs event news. It is a PR7 website.
  • Sign up to Eventful.
  • Verify Account
  • Click on Profile button on you will see a button “Add More Info”. Click It.
  • Add link which putting your info using : <a href=””>Your Keyword</a>
  • Enjoy Free Backlinks.

2. Nature.COM

Sign Up at Put your website’s link at your profile and use their Forum to gain backlinks to other pages too.

PR6 Do-Follow Backlinks

1. W3blog.DK

W3blog.DK is a PageRank6 blog. Join it and do comments. Top commentatorsgets do-follow backlinks from them.

2. GoLoco.ORG

Sign Up GoLoco.ORG. While creating profile, put your website’s link at provided field with Keyword for it. Hence you will be able to enjoy backlinks from this site.
I compiled these list after using these all and it really took a lot of time and research. So please promote this article by sharing it to your networks.